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Photo Gallery

Left: Initial Stage IV Sacral Pressure Injury
Right: Healed

Left: Traumatic Wound of Left Lower Leg
Right: Healed

Left: Burn Injury to Ankle
Middle: Skin Graft Performed by Other Providers (FAILED)
Right: Skin Graft SAVED Following Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Left: Flame Burn to Right Should
Right: Healed

Left: Steam Burn to Left Hand
Right: Healed

Left: Scald Burn to Left Hand in a One-Year-Old
Right: Healed

Left: Grease Burn to Right Foot
Right: Healed

Left: Before (Laser Scar Treatment on Foot)
Right: After

Left: Before (Laser Scar Treatment on Face)
Right: After

Video Gallery

Welcome to Wound and Burn Centers of America

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Burn Injuries - Dr. Roger Simpson

Wound Care - Dr. Geoffrey Gurtner

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